Saturday, July 28, 2007


John sent me the link. He could have blogged it himself, but he knows I'm a bigger Labowski fan. I was a Dudeist before I knew such a thing existed.

Friday, July 20, 2007

2 weeks in WA, part 2

It turns out that I have to be back in Texas sooner than anticipated, so I won't get quite two weeks in WA. That's ok. I'm having fun. A local bar had a deal last night: all drinks are $1.75. So we had some fun last night.

I got some more pictures. I put 62 of them up on flickr today.

This is Leavenworth, WA. The photo links to the Leavenworth set.
Buildings of Leavenworth 5: Gustav's

This is in Cashmere, WA. The photo links to the Cashmere set.
Tom swimming Grandma's in the Wenatchee

"Ants aren't smart. Ant colonies are"

I'm reading this article in the library (paper copy, not on the tubes). The quote I used for the title reminds me of this one: "A person is smart, but people [collectively] are dumb" - kinda the opposite of ants.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

2 weeks in Washington (state)

So I went down to Austin, TX to do a job last week. When I got there, it was evident that they weren't really ready for us yet. My boss wanted to just go ahead and build all the slides (2 indoor, and 2 outdoor) and let the rest of the crews figure out how to work around them - they'd really get in the way of other crews trying to do their thing.

We got the outdoor slides 90% completed and were about to start on the indoor when the general contractor called us off and offered to buy round trip plane tickets for everyone so we could go home and come back two weeks later.

And since I don't have a home, per se, I decided to head out to the Seattle area and maybe get in a little rafting with Tom. I plan to get a ton of pictures and just generally have a lot of fun.

I haven't got to the river yet, but here are a few pictures around the Olympia, WA area. The woodsy ones are from Priest Point Park

Clouds from the plane - closer
from the plane on the way there

Priest Point Trees 2
Priest Point Park

Cat Yawn through the window
One of Kevin and Trina's cats

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I can't help but wonder where I'm bound

I was driving to Texas for work, listening to an mp3 cd I burned a long time ago. It had the song "I can't help but wonder where I'm bound" (written by Tom Paxton) sung by Nancy Griffith. I've heard it many times before, but the following verse stood out.

If you see me passing by
And you sit and you wonder why
And if you wish that you were a rambling too
Nail your shoes to the kitchen floor
Lace them up and bat the door
Thank your stars for the roof that over you
That's about what I feel like sometimes.

I want to get a photo to post on flickr along with this verse. I'm not sure exactly what I'll do for the photo yet.

here's some other guy singin it on youtube.