Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Limes and Habaneros

Limes are cool. They're a little harder to eat than lemons. Get the ones with a little thicker skin. Don't eat the ones with the thin, hard skin - these ones almost made me puke.

Habanero sauce is cool. You can drink it straight out of the bottle. Or, if those observing the scene are concerned about cooties, you can use a shot glass or small dish to drink it from. If the sauce is a bit too thick to drink in this manner (it kind of stays in the glass and slowly flows out) you can use a straw to slurp it up. I was drinking a semi-thick green habanero sauce and it looked pretty cool coating the inside of the straw.

Seperately, both limes and habanero are cool. But I do not recommend that you ingest them both in one meal. In fact, my stomach is still tormenting me over it. It feels like I just got punched in the gut.

On an interesting side note, I have experienced the psychological aspects of the hiccups. Even a modest amount of pepper sauce will give me the hiccups. But if I tell someone that I will get the hiccups by drinking it, then I can down like an entire shot of it and not get them. I need to find a way to overcome this problem.


Blogger tom said...

Hey man, hiccups are all about mind over matter. You can force yourself to not hiccup by sheer will power.

1:18 AM  

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