Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another Dream Girl

I had another weird dream - this was a few nights ago.

I was in a hospital or some type of medical clinic - in an examination room. It was weird because there were 3 or 4 patients in there - I was not a patient. They didn't seem to mind me or each other, but I felt like an interloper. A doctor was in examining one of the patients, then left. A young nurse came in to administer some treatment. She also was not bothered by my presence - we had a conversation. She was obviously on some serious drugs and physically deteriorated from them. She showed me her left leg below the knee. It was a mess. To my dream self, it was obvious to me that she was on heroin, but the symptoms were more like meth - with severe physical deterioration. She needed medical attention more than any of the patients.


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