Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dreams from Last Night

I've been trying to increase my dream recall which is the first step to lucid dreaming. I've had more success remembering my dreams than remembering to write them in my dream journal. I may not remember them right away when I get up, but throughout the day I'll remember something and make a note that'll trigger my memory of the dream.

Last night I dreamed that I was ice skating. I've never been ice skating before and neither had I in my dream, but I was good. Isaac showed up and we skated for a while - he plays hockey, so he knows how to skate pretty well.

In another dream, I saw some big fish - like 300 pound fish swimming in a narrow channel. It started out with some sharks that seamed to be talking to each other - they'd bring their heads up out of the water and appear to be talking, but there was no sound - and they looked more like cartoon sharks, they were dark grey with light spots. Then there were other kinds of fish swimming in the narrow channel. At first, I wasn't really there - just seeing it, but then I was swimming in the channel too. Then the Bolstad girls came floating down the channel on some inner-tubes. I swam up to them and talked with them for a while.

In another, John, Thomas, and I were in our old barn. It was full of hay. Someone drove a truck up the barn bridge and inside the barn. It's not very clear, but I believe that there was some suspicious activity going on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great dreams... I have some pretty funky dreams too, but I haven't been remembering too much lately. Sometime we'll have to share our craziest whacked out dreams.

5:31 PM  
Blogger John said...

I usually don't have too much trouble remembering my dreams, especially the narrative ones (does anyone else have those?)

The old barn and surrounding area feature strongly in most of them. I had one the other night where the bank and right-side drop of the barn bridge were really creepy overgrown ruins in some kind of jungle. The field and woods across the driveway often become strange settings, too.

You think you're crazy...


10:32 PM  
Blogger tom said...

I used to have one recurring dream (not really a nightmare; I don't believe in nightmares) when I was younger--I had it several nights in a row, then every six months for a couple, then about two years later. I haven't had that dream in about 6 years, but it also involved the old farm. From the window beside the fridge, I saw huge, woolly-mammoth-looking things come out of a large, blue-glowing portal that appeared on top of the concrete that used to be the base of the old corn bin. Then uncle Mike came over, and he and dad went out to the shed, which they had turned into a defense shelter years earlier in anticipation of this exact event. A few buttons were pressed, and the shed transformed into a base with weapons, a force-field, and advanced communication equipment.

I think I was 12 years old (certainly no older) when I first had that dream. Maybe we're all a bit crazy...

6:32 PM  
Blogger tom said...

Oh, that ice skating dream is weird, especially because that actually happened to me. I went in Qatar with George, and he wouldn't believe me that I had never ice skated before. I wasn't anything special, but I could skate around fairly well without falling down.

6:36 PM  
Blogger John said...

I seem to recall skating a few times on Bethel pond when I was 11 or 12. I can't say for sure that it ever actually happened or was just a dream. Maybe Marie can help clear that up.

Tom's mammoth dream sounds kind of like some of my narrative ones.

2:39 PM  

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